Previous Next Module A: Ultrasound Physics 30 Lessons Module A: Ultrasound Physics - Overview Introduction to Ultrasound Physics Sound Waves Period, Frequency and Wavelength Amplitude, Power and Intensity Characteristics of a Medium Pulsed Ultrasound Intensities Decibel Notation Acoustic Properties of Tissue Acoustic Properties of Sound Continued Components of the Transducer Anatomy of a Sound Beam Resolution Instrumentation Ultrasound Transducers Principles of Doppler Positive Doppler Shift Negative Doppler Shift The Doppler Angle Pulsed Wave Doppler Continuous Wave Doppler Color Flow Imaging Artifacts Degraded Image Missing Structures Erroneously Perceived Structures Mislocated Structures Safety, Bioeffects and Ergonomics Conclusion Module A Quiz Module A: Ultrasound Physics Back to: TTE for the Sonographer